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Galactic Knits

Professional Pattern Services for Out of this World Knitwear




Technical Editing

You've written the pattern and need a second pair of eyes before handing it off to your test crew! My technical editing services check for basics like grammar and spelling, and for the tough stuff like grading and overall mathematical consistency. 



You've knit a brilliant sample with the perfect fit but aren't sure how to make it work for other sizes and body types.  I provide #sizeinclusive grading using industry-standard size measurements. No design is too complex -- I'll help you bring your vision to life!



Don't forget those final touches that make your pattern shine like a super nova! I can create charts, schematics, assist with romance copy; I can even help you develop your own style sheet to ensure that all future TEs understand and respect your unique style.  

About Me

Data Scientist, Astrophysicist, Prolific Knitter

I’m Melanie, the gal behind Galactic Knits. I've had a lot of jobs in my life -- artist, blackjack dealer, astrophysicist, and most recently, data scientist. (No seriously, I have a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Minnesota.)  I've been knitting since 2019 and have poured every ounce of spare time into it. Knitting has become more than a hobby to me -- it's my life!  Through these experiences I've learned that I feel most at home at the intersection of art and numbers. So what better way to combine these seemingly disparate fields -- knitting, art, and math -- than by providing professional services for knitting patterns! 

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